Welcome to Miami

Background tune: Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes - Paul Simon

It’s not unusual to feel a slightly sobering sense of disillusionment when you visit a place you’ve only ever seen through the colour-graded, slow-motion lens of Hollywood films. I’d heard mixed reviews about Miami before I got there but when it came to getting the camera out, the city definitely didn’t disappoint…

It’s hot! Even hotter than I expected. Despite crashing out from jet lag a couple of hours after arriving, I somehow woke up at 7.30 in the morning and decided to go for a run along the beachfront. It’s weird how being in a different place can completely change the experience of doing something you’ve done a thousand times. 

I spent an afternoon walking to South Beach and was rewarded with a handful of great shots and a nasty sunburn. The sun was unrelenting and I barely made it more than a few blocks before I had to visit one of those touristy nic-nack shops and invest in a cheap pair of sunglasses. The guy behind the counter was an amateur photographer so when he spotted my camera, we had a good chat about lenses and he suggested a few spots along the beachfront that I should check out.

The area has been photographed to death and I’m not going to pretend to be an expert on architecture but the art deco buildings along Miami Beach give you so much to play with. The different shapes and colour combinations make it easy to capture new, unique shots just by changing your vantage point.

The Generator Miami hostel was my home for a few days before heading up to Fort Lauderdale and it’s set the standard pretty high. A far cry from the dingy hostels I’ve experienced in Europe, the vibrant Cuban-inspired decor and relaxed atmosphere make it a perfect place to experience the Miami Beach lifestyle.

After putting down my book to jump in the pool and get involved in a communal game of water volleyball, I soon realised the majority of people staying at the hostel weren’t even from the US. And those that were, had come over from the West Coast or hopped on a plane to escape the cold of the northern states, where winter was still hanging around.

Miami was their escape from everyday life and the Generator Hostel was their sun-drenched, seven-storey paradise.

It looks like I timed my stay just right. The rain set in on my final day at the hostel so it was time to move up the coast and see what Fort Lauderdale has to offer. Stay tuned kids.


The Fruit Lady and Fort Lauderdale


Turning a frown upside down